Posted in Crafting, Creating, journalling

Dealing with Lost Mojo


I really think that this applies to all sorts of Mojo.  Sometimes you just get into a funk, and it affects your brain!

Last week, I felt like things were starting to go when I came into my studio and just stood there for about 10 minutes just staring.  I mean I know I have lots that I can do, I am working on my sister’s wedding album, I am loving the work I am doing in my art journals, I could do some work in my planner, I could film something I am sure, but just standing there I felt like things were getting cramped, and disorganized and it was affecting my Mojo.


It is all my fault, I know. When I create I just create and cleaning as I go just isn’t in the cards.  Sometimes I feel like if I have to clean as I create, that the creating will just stop and I will switch to cleaning mode.  I don’t seem to have a half way…lol.

Anyways getting back to the Mojo, I wanted to share my top 3 things that I think help with Mojo, and even reach out to you, my readers to find out what helps you when you feel like your Mojo is missing!  So please, feel free to leave me comments below on how you deal with lost Mojo.

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Change of scenery,  this could mean getting outside, or this could mean rearranging your studio, or even both!  Sometimes, as long as the weather is cooperating I will bring some supplies outside on my deck to create.  And like this weekend, I felt like my studio needed a fresh look, so I moved furniture around, and put my desk by my corner window,  so I could enjoy the sunshine while I do paperwork or write, I moved my workbench by the door under my shelves so that I could use my shelves to help sort and organize my art supplies.  There is still a ton to do, but I feel like this will help things flow a little better when I am working.  My “light table” for photos is also moved out of the corner so that I can access it easier, and I redid the tissue paper on it so that my lights are better filtered.

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Inspiration can also help you get your mojo back.  Now I am not saying spend hours and hours looking for inspiration but even searching on google might help with finding something that inspires you.  I love to spend a little time in the morning while I am drinking my tea and working on my latest knitting project just browsing Pinterest, or even google image search to get my creative juices flowing.


Dump your Brain, yes you read that right, sometimes your brain is distracted with so many things.  Just open a notebook and let it all out, make lists, sort your thoughts, doodle, if that’s what you need to just let go of what is keeping your brain otherwise occupied.  It could be a thought map, or a list, or even a rant about your day, but whatever it is, let it go.  I have a brain dump notebook that I keep by my bed for at night if I can’t sleep because my brain is too busy.  And the next day I will read through it and move things if they need to be moved into my planner, or onto a sticky note for future planning.  Sometimes it’s something that needs to go in my art journal too.

I hope that helps you when you’re stuck!  Now I am off to find my Mojo!

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